----- こんな感じのコード ----- if ( sw ) { data[num/8] |= 1<<(num%8); } else { data[num/8] &= ~(1<<(num%8)); } ----- コンパイル結果 ----- VC6SP6 mov eax, dword ptr [esi+4] ; [esi+4] = sw mov ecx, edi test eax, eax je short label2 and ecx, dword 080000007h jns short label1 dec ecx or ecx, -8 inc ecx label1: ... VC6SP5+VCPP mov eax, dword ptr [esi+004h] mov ecx, edi test eax, eax and ecx, dword 080000007h ; ちょwwwおまwww je short label2 jns short label1 dec ecx or ecx, -8 inc ecx label1: ...